Do you have some specific points you'd like to resolve for which you believe you only need a handful of sessions? This bundle of five sessions are designed for targeted therapeutic work. Therapy sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes ($120) or 90 minutes ($180) to allow for a client to first establish somatic safety before engaging in Compassionate Inquiry to find the root of adaptive patterns of behavior, uncover the meaning created around these life events, and in processing and resolving these injuries, establish patterns of behavior that align with personal goals.
5 Session Bundle Psychotherapy
Therapy sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes ($120) or 90 minutes ($180) to allow for a client to first establish somatic safety before engaging in Compassionate Inquiry to find the root of your adaptive patterns of behavior, uncover the meaning you created around the events in your life, and in processing and resolving these injuries, establish patterns of behavior that align with your goals.